The openness of the engine allows for several different sub-competitions within the competition. These include collaborate path-finding, strategic combat (bases and tanks), complete RTS games (buildings, resources, fog of war, units, etc.) and tactical combat (20 tanks, 50 marines, flat terrain).
As an added bonus, the games can be viewed with in 3D, 2D or simply just have it spit out text (images taken from the ORTS website):

I really wish I had time to work on this domain. I think it has a lot of interesting properties. All algorithms have to be robust (i.e., not dependent on individuals) a-la swarm system. The competitiveness introduces another dimension; it's not just search. There is plenty of enemy modeling and decision making that can be done. Plus, there are tons of learning that could go on. I'm sure some virtual creatures type research could be applied to build strategies. Also, I could imagine interesting research in playing 2v2 games, where agents have to pass messages and make joint plans. I need to find someone who is interested in working on this so that I can live vicariously through their work.
Here are some videos from YouTube, showing the action.
100 marine vs. 100 marine skirmish
Full 1v1 game
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