I implemented a rather silly hill-climbing algorithm that I used on my boid density domain to find a configuration of boid parameters that will produce a flock of a desired density.
The algorithm is as follows:
- Generate a bunch of random points around the best solution in the boid 4-dimensional parameter space (number of agents, alignment factor, avoidance factor, cohesion factor)
- Check each one to see what the actual density is for that configuration
- If the density is closer to the goal density than the best solution, then this solution is the new best solution and go back to step 1
- If at any time a solution is found that is within the error bounds, stop
I made a video of this process (11MB).
This is pretty stupid. This will serve as a good starting point or framework for later more complex algorithms. I really need to use some kind of search with memory, so that I can predict where I should hill-climb next... or some kind of machine learning technique like k-nearest neighbor or kernel density estimation. Also, I hope to have some more search algorithms, such as simulated annealing, applied to this problem. At least now I have a nice little framework going so plugging in new algorithms should be rather simple.
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